Holistic Programs element





Holistic Programs for Health, Healing, & Positive Change


Mark Bancroft, MA, CHT, provides life-changing programs for positive change, healing, and transformation. Starting with a free initial consultation, Mark will design a custom program for you that is based on your needs, interests, goals, and objectives. Each program is based on one or more of the Holistic Health & Healing Services Mark offers. While each service stands alone on its own right, you are not charged extra for receiving the benefit of multiple services. This gives you the added benefit and value of receiving multiple services in a convenient and highly affordable manner. A custom program can include more than one subject area, e.g. stress release, weight loss, and self-esteem.


Featured Programs


BodyLight Weight Loss pic

Body♦Light Holistic Weight Loss

A compassionate and empowering
way to lightness and optimum weight




Cancer Program Healing Support

Cancer Healing
& Support Program

An integral complement to the
treatment and healing of cancer



Chronic Pain program

Chronic Pain

Holistic Pain Control
and Pain Mangagment Program



 Depression Holistic Pgm image


Inner Healing
for Times of Darkness




Nevada City Mind Body Healing v2

Mind-Body Healing

Complementary Care
for Healing the Body




Relationships Healing Picture Image

& Healing

Empowerment & Healing
through Healthy Relationships 




Anxiety and Stress release image

& Anxiety Release

A natural, safe, drug-free way
to release tension, stress, and anxiety



2012 Uncertainty Change program

& Change

Dealing with personal and
collective stress in changing times 



List of Programs


Alternative / Complementary Health & Healing


Cancer Healing Support Program Injury/Trauma Recovery
Chemotherapy (effectiveness/side effects) Life Change/Life Transition (medical)
Chronic Pain and Pain Management Mind-Body Healing
Dental Anxiety  Mind-Body Medicine
Enhance & Accelerate Recovery PET Scan (claustrophobia)
Guided Imagery Healing Postoperative Recovery
Headaches / Migraines Psychogenic Allergies
Hospital Stay (boredom, sadness, stress) Skin Conditions (psoriasis, eczema)
Iatrophobia (fear of going to the doctor) Support Person/Caregiver Support
IBS Surgery Preparation Surgery Preparation
Immune System Strengthening Tinnitus



Health, Body, & Fitness


Addictions Exercise - Fitness Motivation
Alcohol Cessation/Control Fatigue & Tiredness
Bed-wetting Insomnia
Body Image & Acceptance Panic Attacks
Body Story & Body Awareness Sexuality, impotence/other
Body Relationship Healing Smoking/Tobacco Cessation
Compulsive Eating Stress and Anxiety Release
Eating Habits and Disorders Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
Enhance Physical Performance Un-diagnosable Conditions



Relationships & Healing


Health, Healing, & Relationships Parenting / Family
Communication Relationship Healing
Divorce / Separation / Breakup Relationship Stress
End Negative Patterns Trust Issues & Concerns



Self-Development / Other


Anger and Frustration  Letting Go of the Past 
Bereavement, Loss, Grief Life Direction
Career Direction Life Transition, Life Change 
Communication Procrastination
Compulsive Behavior Patterns Public Speaking 
Confidence & Self-Esteem Sadness
Control Issues Self-Acceptance
Fears & Phobias Self-Confidence
Forgiveness, Acceptance Self-Image Enhancement
Goal Setting and Achievement Stuttering
Guilt - Shame Success
Habits and Habit Control Stress Reduction
Helplessness, Hopelessness Teen Empowerment
Hoarding Time Management
Internet / Media Addiction  MOST ALL PROBLEMS



Spirituality & Self-Discovery


Abundance Mindfulness
Acceptance (self and other) Near Death Experience NDE
Alchemical Process Paranormal Phenomena
Authetnic Self-expression Parts Therapy & Synthesis
Creative Visualization Reinventing Your Life
Detachment Regression Therapy
Dreams and Dreamwork Relationship Awareness
Energy Balance & Energy Healing Sacred Intention
Forgiveness Simplicity
Healing through Color and Sound Spiritual Balance
Inner Answers Spiritual Emergency
Inner Healing, Inner Peace Spiritual Guidance, Direction
Intuition & Creativity Spiritual Path Exploration
Life Purpose & Life Direction Spirituality, Health, & Healing
Meditation for Healing Symbol Therapy


 Contact Mark Bancroft

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Classes Starting

Weight Loss 

Holistic Weight Loss Seminar

Includes weight loss coaching
3 self-empowering hypnosis sessions

This seminar is currently postponed for safety reasons related to the coronavirus.   


Holistic Weight Loss Program

BodyLight logo2

Body♦Light transforms the weight loss experience, taking weight loss from struggle to a source of self-empowerment. This program gives you the experience of physical, emotional, and mental lightness. If you would like to lose weight and are tired of feeling heavy and disappointed, Body♦Light is for you!

More information on this program is available on the Body♦Light website page on this site.


Rebecca Siegfried
December 13, 2013
If you are really seeking to heal internally and change your life for the better, you should be on the phone scheduling an appointment to work with … read more
Veronica Fisher
February 7, 2013
Mark is one of the most dedicated and caring people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting... I would recommend him to anyone seeking to improve, … read more
December 8, 2006
I feel Mark was instrumental in breaking my "writer's block" and getting me back to regular and productive work again. I thank Mark for a real … read more