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Cancer Healing & Support Program

An integral complement to the
treatment and healing of cancer


Cancer Healing & Support program overview

Cancer Support HealingCancer Healing & Support is a holistic, complementary-based service that offers cancer patients and their support providers an essential addition to mainstream cancer treatment and traditional support groups.

Non-conventional healing methods recognize that a person is more than their body. The methods all agree on one thing: Healing and the healing process is influenced and can be enhanced or hindered by a person's non-physical state or condition. The non-physical includes a person's thoughts, feelings, emotions, expectations, beliefs, outlook, attitude, faith, and much more. These inner, non-quantifiable, subjective qualities can be used to support the healing of your body. They also determine the patient's experience of themselves in relation to the ailment and treatment process. Research that shows a correlation between cancer onset and remission to these subjective criteria is a powerful reminder just how important caring for one's subjective state truly is.

A holistic approach to healing brings these subjective factors and consciousness itself directly into the healing process. This is important because it helps ensure that the treatment plan is not strictly limited and focused at the level of symptoms and symptom relief, but rather is capable of working with the full healing potential existing among the interconnection between mind, body, and emotions.


Is the mind-body connection real?

Does the mind–body connection exist? Is it real?

Science and western medicine are only now just beginning to acknowledge the fundamental connection between physical health, mind, and consciousness. Progress into the area of whole-person healing by mainstream medicine is slow going at best. This is evidenced by the simple observation that a walk down any ordinary hospital hallway is deadening to the soul, perhaps even scary—hardly the conditions that support mental, emotional, spiritual comfort and security which go to enhance, accelerate, and deepen the healing process. Fortunately this is changing as leading-edge hospital and treatment centers are making investments aimed at supporting the patient's emotional, mental, and spiritual state of being.

A few examples that easily demonstrate the mind–body connection:

a.) Think back to a time when you were really upset or angry inside. How did your body respond? What was your breathing like? What about your heart rate? What caused your body's state to change? What triggered a change in your body's biochemistry? If mind and body are separate, then how do you account for the event triggering a physiological stress response? If mind and body are really separate, your body should not have been affected by your anger.

b.) Imagine yourself in a very peaceful and serene setting, perhaps in a garden or resting peacefully on a beautiful beach at sunset. What happens to your body when you go to these types of places in your mind?
It's obvious there is a connection between the body and mind. In fact, there may not be a separation between the two at all! Bodymind is a more accurate way to refer to yourself.


Cancer Healing & Support picks up where mainstream medicine leaves off

This program provides a deep level of personal support, care and presence that is seriously lacking to cancer patients and their family members in today's health care environment. Simply having the experience of being heard and listened to about your personal concerns can be challenging. Appointments held in the comfort and convenience of your home are pretty much unheard of these days. Cancer Healing & Support recognizes the importance of such matters. This program can provide you inspiration and hope, as well as support and help for dealing with the depths of fear, hopelessness, anger, and despair that accompany cancer.

Additionally, this program does not dismiss, discredit, or discount the patient's religious or spiritual beliefs and practices. For those open to religion and spirituality, the program acknowledges the very important role that prayer, spirituality, faith, and religion have in the healing process. In fact, there is growing evidence that prayer, religion, and spirituality serve a central role in cancer healing; spirituality is often cited as one of several "critical factors" associated with long-term survival rates.


Do you claim to be able to cure cancer?

The Cancer Healing & Support Program does not claim to be able to cure a person of cancer. The program is intended to complement traditional cancer treatment, not repalce it. The objectives of the program are fourfold:

Cancer Heal image1.) Create and establish the inner conditions for the mind, body and emotions that are known to enhance and support health and physical healing. Concentrate, focus and direct the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies towards health and support for healing the body. Utilize the mind–body connection to the utmost degree in order to help heal and free the body of the effects of cancer.

2.) Enhance and improve the lived, subjective experience of the patient in regard to cancer, treatment, and the healing process. This includes all aspects of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experience of cancer and healing.

3.) Provide practical and useful assistance for coping with cancer. This includes stress release, mental/emotional detachment, overcoming fear and negativity, pain control, reducing discomfort from chemotherapy/radiation therapy side effects, fear of needles, claustrophobia (PET scan), surgery anxiety, postoperative recovery, and more.

4.) Provide personal support to the primary caregiver or support person. This is important because the support person is an integral part of the patient's healing process. The program recognizes, from a holistic perspective, that there is a link or interconnection between the patient and the support person that affects and influences the healing process. Sessions for the support person address: stress, worry, guilt, helplessness, anger, energy balance, inner strength, courage, patience, acceptance, and more.


Cancer Healing & Support program highlights

Each program and program session is custom designed to meet your needs in the most direct and effective way possible. Sessions may include:

  • Deep relaxation and inner peace
  • Inner support and strength for healing and the healing process
  • Coping with cancer
  • Stress/anxiety release related to cancer
  • Pain control
  • Chemotherapy/radiation therapy (minimize/reduce side effects; maximize treatment effectiveness; release fear)
  • Life transition and change
  • Fear, anger, worriment
  • Surgery preparation (prepare the mind, body and emotions for surgery)
  • Surgery anxiety
  • Enhance and accelerate postoperative recovery
  • Decision making, inner answers and direction
  • Help with getting through treatment procedures (PET scan, needles, etc).
  • Finding balance between "being" and "doing" (acceptance and fighting cancer)
  • Color and energy healing
  • Quantum and cellular healing
  • Addresses the archetypal and mythological aspects of cancer
  • Mind–body medicine
  • Instruction for visualization, meditation, healing prayer, self-hypnosis for pain control
  • plus much more


Note: This program is not intended or to be used in place of receiving proper medical care from a licensed physician.
The Cancer Healing & Support Program is offered to complement the treatment you receive from your physician.


House calls and hospital visits are available at no extra charge
to local clients living in Grass Valley, Nevada City, Penn Valley, and the surrounding area.


Contact Mark Bancroft

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

* Note: Specific results are not guaranteed as results may vary from person to person.


Adrienne W.
August 20, 2012
Mark's Bancroft's professional help has proven to be invaluable for myself, my family, and the friends I have referred to him. He has assisted us in … read more
Jan Fishler
April 22, 2014
Mark is highly skilled and very intuitive. I saw him for hypnosis after an auto accident to overcome my fear of being a passenger, and after one … read more
Kari L
April 1, 2016
Mark is a gifted life coach and hypnotherapist. I was very skeptical and a little reluctant about being regressed by Mark because I had tried … read more

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